Invisalign is the most recent teeth straightening appliance to be placed on the market and has quickly become the most popular type of braces. One of the primary advantages found with these braces is that they are completely clear and are practically invisible. This provides patients with the means of keeping their beautiful smile even when wearing braces. These braces also work somewhat differently than standard braces, as metal braces are a permanent solution that are only removed once the teeth have moved completely to their desired position, while these clear braces can actually be removed for brushing, flossing and eating.
This is due to the fact that this option makes use of a set of aligners that are placed on the lower and upper portions of the teeth. These aligner trays are comprised entirely of clear plastic and are worn for incremental periods of time until they are switched out for new ones. When considering these braces for your teeth straightening needs, there are a lot of factors that go into the decision making process, including costs, how long they will need to be worn for and the pros and cons of selecting clear braces as opposed to metal ones. Though these aligners are removable at any time, they are meant to be worn for at least 20 hours every day.

Invisalign Straight Talk for Parents
Benefits Of Invisalign
When you choose Invalign instead of traditional braces, you benefit in the following ways:
Ease of Use: There’s very little impact on your daily life. The aligners are comfortable, so wearing them the recommended 20 to 22 hours each day is easy..
Ease of Cleaning: Since the aligners can be removed, cleaning is a snap. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign trays can be removed to allow for easy cleaning.
Comfortable Eating: There are no wires or brackets with Invisalign, so you don’t have to worry about stuck food or a limited diet. You can simply remove the trays while eating and eat whatever you like.
Sports Are Okay: Metal braces are a bad idea if you play contact sports because of the possibility of cutting your mouth if you’re hit. And if your sport requires a mouth guard, that’s fine. You can take the trays out while using the mouth guard.
Biocompatible And Holistic: The aligners are made from medical-grade BPA- free material, so they’re completely acceptable as part of biocompatible dentistry and holistic dentistry. Additionally, getting your teeth into proper alignment actually improves your overall dental health and is an important part of the minimal approach taken by holistic medicine.
How Invisalign Works
Every orthodontic treatment plan starts with a gathering information and a consultation with the doctor. During this orthodontic records appointment, we will:
Make a 3D image of your teeth. This includes x-rays, digital impressions and photos. From this information a precise plan for you is created. Drs. Hendricks and Tanner will also be able to use this information to show you how your teeth will look as the process moves along.
Provide your aligners and a plan. You’ll get smooth, fitted aligners to wear every day. You can remove them when you eat or brush your teeth. They’re nearly invisible and few people will notice them. As you wear them, your teeth gently shift. Every two week, you move to new aligners to continue the straightening process.
Reveal your new smile. As the treatment plan progresses, you’ll see a new and improved version of your smile.
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
Since treatment plans vary by complexity, it is not possible to give an exact cost without a consultation. However, Dentistry For Kids does not upcharge for Invisalign treatment over standard braces. Contact us for a consultation!